Tuesday, February 8, 2011

2nd Grade Vocbulary

I was going through and checking my 7 year old's homework tonight.  I'm impressed by his quick grasp of contractions:  I'm = I am, they're = they are....  Math: greater than, less than...

Then there is the weekly vocabulary and let me give you a sample of this one.

Word:  Secure
Definition:  To make something safe from getting lost.
Sentence:  I make sure my sister is secure.

Awwww, melt my heart!

Word: Culture
Definition:  A thing that a group of people do.
Sentence:  Our culture is tamales.

Umm.  :)  I guess if you're going by this definition, in his world this is correct.

Word:  Customer
Definition:  People that buy goods.
Sentence:  My mom is a big customer.

I guess I've been called worse.

Hey, at least his homework is done.

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